Zeke Full
Name: Ezekiel, the Xbot, Zeke
Occupation: Video Game Console
Relationships: {{{relationships}}}
First Appearance: "Spilled Milk"

Official Character Bio

During a bout of lonliness, Ethan dismantled his Xbox console, rebuilding it into a walking, talking, sentient robot. Dubbed Ezekiel some time later after an unfortunate humanity-seeking adventure, Zeke has become a close friend to Ethan.

Zeke has developed a slight distaste for humanity as a whole, which is overshadowed only by his desire to become more human himself.

Zeke also has an unsettling attraction to the Gamecube console.



As Zeke was originally built out of an old Xbox and as such his design carries over many of the same elements as an xbox. He is black & grey featuring a large outset X covering his back & torso with a circle in the centre and has glowing green circular eyes. While his eyes glow and can change colour, the circle in his chest does not and cannot.


Under Construction.

Murderous Malfunctions

If heavily damaged and forcefully restated,http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comic.php?d=20050627 Zeke may experience a fatal malfunction causing him to destroy anything without clearly defined purpose. If this happens his personality will become cold and calculating, his speech will be robbed of emotion, and his eyes will turn red. As the circle on his chest cannot change colour, it stays green.

Because humans do not have a clearly defined purpose, Zeke will see them logically as an "unnecessary uses of space"http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comic.php?d=20050702 and will kill them in order to correct this "waste of space". The only way to stop him is to snap him out of it, but as of yet it is not understood how to stop him from malfunctioning. Blunt attacks to the head may be the key to freeing him from this state. Short of that, Ethan can disable him a new remote control.http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comic.php?d=20051015

Zeke can also make himself appear to enter this state, but only does so to scare people.

Source of Emotions

Under Construction.

Character History

Under Construction.


See List of Ezekiel's Appearances.

Noteworthy Quotes

Main Characters
Zeke Thumb